To register at St. Joseph, you have two options:
1. Come to the parish office, fill out a registration form, and receive a packet of information on the parish.
2. Click "New Parishioner Registration Form" below and return or mail it to the parish office at 25 E Harrison Ave., OH 45052. A packet of information on the parish will be sent to you.
Office Phone: 513.941-3661
Fax: 513.941.8559
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:30—3:30
Friday 8:30--12:30
Bulletin Deadline is 10 days
prior to publication date
Unless there is a Level 3 Snow Emergency, the weekend liturgies will take place as usual.
In order to keep you and our community safe during severe winter weather, we will cancel our weekday Masses whenever the Three River school system is canceled. The Parish Office will open on a delayed status. All meetings and planned activities MAY be canceled as well. Please call the Parish Office at 513-941-3661 the day of the meeting for updated information.